About Banksworld

Centreville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Banksworld is a home Based media centre Bringing you the latest on local events With interviews, mobile updates , The Banksworld axe report and of course Banksworlds newest and best videos/movies.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oceans & Orchards power pull

Last weekend I headed down to the friday night Oceans & Orchards power pull with a ms Big Foot car crush. The ms Big Foot truck is the exact same chaise as the Big Foot trucks painted up as ms Big Foot for Breast cancer. They're 11 Big Foot trucks 7 of them are on tour the rest are back at the shop in missouri,illinois. as you can see the preview on the right I did take complete coverage for BanksWorld the movie will be put on at the latest late next week.